Blog Post


QoS, performance and protection for OpenStack

SGarewal's avatar
Level 3
8 years ago

OpenStack summit is going well and I am enjoying meeting with attendees and briefing analysts on the new Veritas software-defined storage OpenStack solution – HyperScale for OpenStack.  The response is generally positive and the benefits of our dual-plane architecture certainly seem to resonate.  Yesterday afternoon Carlos Carrero (product lead) and Abhijit Dey (engineering lead) co-presented a session with Ruud Harmsen (CEO of Fairbanks, the OpenStack ambassador in The Netherlands). The session focused on quality of service, performance and protection for OpenStack environments and discussed challenges with traditional SDS architectures and how HyperScale for OpenStack helps address them.  My Veritas colleagues discussed key considerations (such as performance, resilience and data protection) when it comes to OpenStack storage and the Fairbanks presenter related them to specific customer cases that they had worked on.

The current product release (learn more) is based on Canonical Ubuntu OpenStack distribution and we expect to add support for more.  Now that the product is available, I am excited about helping customers adopt OpenStack with confidence.

Updated 7 years ago
Version 4.0
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