Blog Post


Reliable Application Workload Resilience

jostarke's avatar
Level 1
7 years ago

Technology is moving faster than ever making near constant change the new normal in the data center.  You want to innovate with new technology stacks.  Get an edge over your competition.  But you lack confidence in your business resilience plans.

How do you validate the resilience of your applications.   Do you rely on bi-annual DR tests that consume staff time, are frequently mishandled and can even introduce new risks into your business? 

Veritas Resiliency Platform is the industry’s only platform that ensures resilience of applications residing on physical and virtual infrastructure.  It allows you to move maintenance opex that delivers zero business value to high-value opex through automation and rehearsals. Shift budget dollars to new services and win big. Watch this video to learn more:

With Resiliency Platform, you can assign different replication technologies across multiple workload tiers.  The ability to recover applications by business importance delivers cost efficiency and lowers TCO.  Let’s be honest, not all applications are created equal.  Some are business critical, others are important. Solutions with a single recovery objective increase costs. You need a solution that tailors resilience investment according to the business importance of the application.  

Data integrity is important when moving workloads to target environments.  Resiliency Platform synchronizes shut-down and start-up of source and target environments which increases data integrity.  It does this by ensuring that the configuration between the two environments matches before any data is moved.  Other solutions require a lot of manual mapping and meetings to verify. Then actually doing the configuration which is ripe for human error.  After all that manual work, are you confident your workloads are going into the right environment?  

Resiliency Platform’s comprehensive reports allow you to prove application resiliency, remove fear of the unknown and release your business to innovate with confidence.  Take the next step and download a pilot version of the solution, which can be installed in less than 10 minutes.

Technology is moving faster than ever and IT needs to accommodate these changes.  The future is unpredictable but with Resiliency Platform your business will be secure.  

Updated 7 years ago
Version 2.0
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