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Run Business Run! Check out the New Web Site with Information about Symantec's Unique Business Continuity Solutions

Mike_Reynolds_P's avatar
11 years ago


I hear it more and more from IT professionals, "our key 'X' application just can not go down."  As you can image, the "X" variable in the prior sentence usually stands for a key business service or application running in the data center.  It might be cusotmer or partner facing website such as an ordering or reservation system, or it might be a service that internal employees use on a regular basis to do their job and keep operations going.  Regardless, if the "X" is down, heavy costs are incurred and someone may be in trouble.  

If you are thinking about how to keep your business up and running, check out Symantec's new Business Continuity homepage called "Run Business Run."  If you have a business continuity or disaster recovery project on the table, you can use the information on this page to give you the key concepts to consider before you deploy any new applications, technology or infrastructure.  If you have experienced an outage in the recent past to a mission critical application, you know how costly the implications of downtime or data loss can be.  If you are thinking about how to increase the effectiveness of a virtualization project, you might want to consider how high availability and disaster recovery capabilities weigh into those decisions.  The cost and time required for disaster recovery testing is another pain point that some people have had the non-pleassure of meeting.  All of these Business Continuity topics and more are covered on our new Run Business Run! site.  
Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0
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