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Why should you deploy VxDMP in VMware ESX environments

Hari_Krishna_V's avatar
12 years ago

I am sure a lot of people have this question occur to them. Well here I would like to put across some of the reasons why I think you should opt for VxDMP in your VMware virtualized environment. Please let me know if you find more….

VxDMP brings the proven enterprise class multi-pathing functionality to VMware ESX environments. It provides greater availability, reliability, and performance using advanced path failover and load balancing algorithms for a wide range of storage arrays. Read more ...

VxDMP integrates with VMware vSphere infrastructure and provides a deeper insight into the storage connected to an ESX host. It adds the storage connectivity perspective to vSphere and allows the virtual infrastructure administrator to know and manage the storage at disposal from the vCenter itself using the same role based access control thus allowing vSphere client as the single UI for administration of the complete VMware virtual infrastructure. Of course the administrator can also use the remote VxDMP command line interface (CLI) to administer from the command prompt or write custom scripts that are executed on multiple hosts at the same time.

Here are some of the ways in which VxDMP can ease the management of VMware infrastructure and aid in better administration… 

  1. VxDMP aids the vSphere administrator to make informed choices for provisioning storage to virtual machines. It provides deeper insight into the storage infrastructure being consumed by various vSphere entities – data stores, virtual machines and helps in easier monitoring and faster troubleshooting. Read more ...
  1. VxDMP helps detect I/O bottlenecks in the vSphere data center and helps solve them without actual data movement across storage. Read more ...
  1. VxDMP enables the vSphere administrator to have visibility into which virtual machines and hosts (end consumers of storage) are using a particular shared storage component (HBA, Storage array controller, LUNs etc) and allow non-disruptive storage maintenance operations. Read more ...
  1. VxDMP helps the vSphere administrator to easily maintain and check for compliance of the data center. It also enables easy deployment of license keys and replication of DMP performance settings fined tuned to the environment on multiple ESX hosts in the environment. Read more ...
  1. VxDMP allows single sign-on vSphere role-based access control authentication for administration when using the remote command-line interface. Once authenticated with vCenter credentials, the vSphere administrator can perform DMP administration or reporting operations on multiple ESX hosts simultaneously without requiring re-authentication. Read more ...

The VxDMP vSphere UI plugin comes with context sensitive online user documentation that’s available to the administrator from any of the views by clicking the help icon (?) Read more ...


VxDMP is a feature rich VMware vSphere plugin that goes beyond multipathing. It eases the burden of the managing VMware vSphere infrastructure by providing more visibility into the storage infrastructure allowing informed decisions to be made.

I would like to know how many of your tried Veritas Dynamic Multi-pathing for VMware after reading this. Do let me know how VxDMP eased management of VMware vSphere infrastructure and what else do you think VxDMP should do to help you manage your environment better…

Updated 8 years ago
Version 3.0
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