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Veritas Perspectives

Maintaining cloud service continuity during severe “storms”

danofarrell's avatar
8 years ago

Recent headlines and news articles chronicling public cloud outages and resulting loss or degradation of services have reminded many organizations to take a closer look at their cloud adoption strategy.  Public clouds like Amazon Web Services, the Google Public Cloud, and Microsoft Azure are designed to deliver extremely reliable services with redundant networks, geographically dispersed data centers, and a range of service levels designed to meet the needs of any enterprise, including global enterprises running ERP and CRM apps and retail organizations running their business as e-commerce in the cloud.

While maintaining continuous service availability to subscribers is “a given” to public cloud providers, there is always a chance that services can be interrupted – even with all the redundancy and high availability designed into these clouds.  It’s much more a matter of “when” than “if”.  During those rare occasions when even the most failsafe designs have been rendered inadequate due to extreme conditions or anomalies (think of the aborted Apollo 13 moon landing mission or the “Miracle on the Hudson” airplane landing), a positive outcome can still be achieved with the right level of expertise or technology in place when potential disaster looms.

For cloud-based services, Veritas offers proven solutions that can enable public clouds, and companies subscribing to public cloud services, to maintain service continuity even when cloud-based redundant designs or procedures may fall short. 

Veritas InfoScale is hardware-independent software used by many of the largest organizations around the globe, including 40 of the Fortune 50, and all 10 of the top 10 telcos, healthcare, and financial services companies. These organizations trust Veritas to help them maintain critical application performance and business continuity  across both on-premises environments and in the cloud via high-performance service delivery and availability.  Organizations can use InfoScale for even the most critical Tier 1 workloads like Oracle or SAP, in addition to I/O intensive e-Commerce-based applications that organizations like retail companies rely on.  InfoScale ensures that business workloads running in the cloud are protected against “in-cloud” outages by failing over business services across cloud zones and even cloud regions.  Additionally, InfoScale offers “cloud bursting” where workloads can access cloud-based resources during peak activity periods to ensure user satisfaction in a highly cost-effective manner.

Another business resiliency offering, Veritas Resiliency Platform, enables organizations to ensure maximum uptime for workloads running on-premises or in the cloud. With complete automation for all resiliency operations and single pane-of-glass visibility and management, organizations can track-to and meet critical recovery point objectives and recovery time objectives.  A key benefit is the ability to ensure resiliency for complex multitier workloads that may consist of multiple “parallel and vertical” processing dependencies.  Most importantly, organizations can rapidly benefit from the fully automated and single-click failover to the cloud or failback option to bring business services back to production data centers from public clouds and secondary targets at any time.  This is important since it’s your business that is ultimately responsible for compliance to defined service level objectives and needs to answer to executive stakeholders and shareholders – not your cloud vendor.

Within any public service utility model, an occasional outage is unavoidable.  Not unlike a severe storm temporarily impacting the power grid, the possibility of a series of events impacting public cloud services is a literal certainty.  That’s where Veritas comes in – to enable organizations and cloud service providers to maintain required levels of service no matter how or where disaster may strike.

To learn more, visit

Updated 8 years ago
Version 2.0
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