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Veritas Perspectives

The Pace of Innovation at Veritas is Fast and Furious

AlexSakaguchi's avatar
7 years ago

At the recent Veritas Vision 2017, one of my favorite activities was asking different people these two questions: “What is your takeaway from the conference?” and “What stands out for you?”  The responses I received from analysts, partners, and Veritas employees were enlightening and informative. 

For Episode 06: “Embracing the era of the multi-cloud,” I interviewed two Veritas executives, Mike Palmer, our Chief Product Officer, and Dan O’Farrell who leads our Modern Data Protection Solutions marketing team, and asked them the same questions.  As you might expect, since they both have deep visibility into our product development and marketing, they have some interesting insights on what stood out at Vision 2017.

Innovation is Everywhere
Innovation was a key theme for both Mike and Dan as it came up many times during product announcement presentations, analyst meetings, and customer one-on-ones.  A lot of the event’s buzz focused on 360 Data Management, and the new solutions we showcased at the event. In fact, when I asked analysts their biggest takeaway from Vision, they said “the pace of innovation.” 

Proud Engineering History
Mike and Dan echoed the sentiment that innovation was everywhere at Vision.  “Veritas has a long and proud history of great engineering,” says Mike.  “Our engineers get in front of our customers to understand their real-life problems. The most inspiring thing for an engineer is to see a real, completed product in a customer's hands and verify how it adds value. It’s inspiring for them to get customers’ reactions at the very early stages of the product release cycle.”

What’s Next? UX Consistency
I also asked Mike and Dan what enterprise customers should expect to see from Veritas in the next year.  Mike’s quick answer: “UX development.  It’s something you’ll see in the next NetBackup release.  You’ll also see consistent UX across our product integrations, because we want to build a great cross portfolio experience.”  

Dan echoed that sentiment, “We showed a short preview of NetBackup 8.2’s upcoming UX at Vision, and the crowd oohed and aaahed as we demoed it. They were really excited. One of the nice things about our UX is it’s becoming very consistent in look and feel across all the products – it just underscores our innovations and the fact that we offer a 360 system.”

Listen to the Podcast
Visit iTunes to listen to this ‘Voice of Veritas’ podcast, “Episode 06: Embracing the era of the multi-cloud" for more insights into Veritas’ innovations that were announced at Vision 2017.

Subscribe to the Voice of Veritas podcast to get the newest episodes as they’re released.

Published 7 years ago
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