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Veritas Events

Vision Solution Day Manchester in Photos

ZoeSands's avatar
Level 3
6 years ago

Last week Veritas hosted Vision Solution Day (VSD) Manchester, which was held at The Principal on 15 November was the perfect venue to showcase the second VSD event in the UK. Here is a review of the event in photos. Can you spot anyone you?

Welcome to Vision Solution Day (VSD) Manchester!

Throughout the event the UK SE Team was on hand at the Genius Labs to help with attendees data management queries.Jason Tooley, VP North Region said "Solve your business problems with Veritas." From the photo you can see Veritas is number 1 in data protection, a vendor you can trust in.After the introduction Jason Tooley invited Mark Nutt, SVP EMEA to take to the stage and share the top three business challenges he is seeing in the region. Mark said he is hearing; 1. Businesses need to develop a strategy for data protection and long term retention 2. Migrating to a multi-cloud environment is challenging. 3. Information intelligence is top of mind. Data is key!Jason Tooley shared three critical business strategies that Digital Businesses adopt; 1. Maintain and develop brand value. 2. Focus on high customer satisfaction rates and quality of service, no outages. 3.Use technology to get to market first.Cameron Bahar, CTO at Veritas spoke about IT has to be able to adapt rapidly by being agile, scalable, available, value add and make data an asset for the business.Jason Tooley, VP North Region opened up VSD Machester and thanked the event sponsors for their support.Cameron Bahar, CTO, Veritas travelled from Calfornia to present a keynote at VSD Manchester. He was given a warm Northern welcome by the team and attendees.The afternoon session was kicked off by Jasmit Sagoo, who spoke about The World of the New Workload and how some businesses stagnate whilst others prosper in this digital age. Those businesses that focus on customer experience, adopt new business models and leverage technology and data will succeed.Paul Lyden, Storage Partner Segment Manager, AWS Cloud shared how AWS works with Veritas. And said AWS is committed to the Cloud and Customers.Here are the Veritas solutions that AWS offers.

Updated 6 years ago
Version 3.0
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