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Veritas Events

Vision Solution Day Shanghai in Photos

ZoeSands's avatar
Level 3
6 years ago

If you missed Vision Solution Day (VSD) Shanghai, China here is a review of the event in pictures. There were over 450 delegates in attendance and over 350 people viewed the event online, it was one of Veritas' largest Vision events so far on the calendar.

Scott Genereux, EVP Worldwide Field Operations kicked off VSD Shanghai, China.A packed house for VSD Shanghai! There was over 450 people in attendance with hundreds of people watching the event online live.The inauguration of Vision Solution Day Shanghai.Jane Zhu spoke about Veritas' product and solution strategy and what differentiates and makes us the number one in the data protection marketplace.Yang Chen, Head of Sales for Greater China Region welcomes attendees and those watching the live streaming.Informative panel sessions throughout the day.The sponsors of Vision Solution Day Shanghai. Thank you for supporting the event!CIO Dinner closed VSD Shanghai. It was great to see our customers and have our partners and sponsors supporting this event. See you next year!


Published 6 years ago
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