I think I misled you with my question. I did not mean VM.
What I meant is identifying whether a machine is a logical one (the machine which is always up, also during failovers, and that shows the reflection of the physical machine - which is the actual machine that holds the installations...).
In our case, one 'virtual' machine, 175, displays one of our two physical machines (DBSA or DBSB), depends which is currently active.
Since my role is to monitor all this system, I need to automatically detect if a certain machine is a virtual or a phisical one (I am given an IP address and should check on that machine and decide whether it is a virtual one). Perhaps the term 'virtual' is missleading.
Also, regarding the visibility -
Consider the following setup.
We have two physical machines P1 and P2. Both hold installations of two applications: DBSA and DBSB.
We have two virtual machines V1 and V2 which reftect the status of those applications.
V1 should show only DBSA (it can actually be active on P1 or P2) while DBSB is not visible there.
V2 should show only DBSB (it can actually be active on P1 or P2) while DBSA is not visible there.
So my monitoring tool should decide 3 things:
1. Is a certain machine (IP address) is virtual or physical
2. Is a certain application visible on a certain virtual machine
3. Is an application ONLINE on a certain physical machine
I tried the commands you have recommended.
Can you please be a bit more specific - how do I check the virtual & visible issues? (which fields exectly in the output?)
C:\Users\Hercules.DBSA>hagrp -display GSA_SG -sys DBSA
#Group Attribute System Value
GSA_SG AutoDisabled DBSA 0
GSA_SG Enabled DBSA 1
GSA_SG PreOnlining DBSA 0
GSA_SG Probed DBSA 1
GSA_SG ProbesPending DBSA 0
GSA_SG UserIntLocal DBSA 0
GSA_SG UserStrLocal DBSA
C:\Users\Hercules.DBSA>hagrp -display GSA_SG -sys DBSB
#Group Attribute System Value
GSA_SG AutoDisabled DBSB 0
GSA_SG Enabled DBSB 1
GSA_SG PreOnlining DBSB 0
GSA_SG Probed DBSB 1
GSA_SG ProbesPending DBSB 0
GSA_SG UserIntLocal DBSB 0
GSA_SG UserStrLocal DBSB