Forum Discussion

DollaBillz217's avatar
6 years ago

Catalog folder too large

I noitced the C drive on one of my servers was filling up.  Upon investigation I found my catalog folder is nearly 7GB in size.  It looks to be full of .FH and .XML files dating all the way back to 2013.  I only need to keep about the last 3 months of data for restoring purposes.  Is there a way I can clean these up without moving the catalogs to a different drive?  Thanks

6 Replies

    • DollaBillz217's avatar
      Level 3

      Thank you for the link, but that still provided no guidance on how I should go about freeing up space.  It stated in the link you provided that DLM should be doing this, but I thought DLM was not part of 2010.  Please advise.



      • Gurvinder's avatar

        FH files are needed to restore files from backup set. Since they are there, it means they are required. If there is less room on that drive, move the catalog folder on a drive which has space.

  • Catalog files for BE 2010 only get removed when either truncate is enabled or when the media they relate to are overwritten/erased. I am not 100% sure what the effect is on the catalog files if you retire and then delete the media within Backup Exec as to whether this would also remove the catalogs.

    If you just stop using the media (tapes or disk files) OR delete the media without Backup Exec being aware of the deletion then the catalog files will remain.

    The truncate catalog files option will remove the older .FH files (although in earlier versions of BE changing the truncate setting after the catalog files were created would have no effect on existing catalog files and I am not sure which version we enhanced BE so that the truncate applied to all files and not just those created since enabling/changing the setting)