Domino Backups BE 16
I currently am backing up a Domino server with Backup Exec 15 and have been for over a year. What happens if I upgrade to Backup Exec 16, can I restore my backups? I understand support has been discontinued for Domino, but is the functionality still there unsupported?
Typically when we discontinue support for a complete product, the ability to restore disappears as well, because we remove the options relating to that product from the interfaces (if we remove support for an older version of something but still support a newer version then we can sometimes still give a restore option, but Domino is complete EOS against BE ) - As such you should probably mothball your BE 15 server (or if still running Domino continue to use it but only for Domino backups) and build a separate BE 16 server to handle eveything else going forwards.
What CraigV has suggested might be true - but you would have to check that method yourself (by setting up your own tests) as we do not test what options are available for you for the scenario you have asked about. It is potentially unliklely any forum contributors (that are not Veritas staff) have tested such scenarios either.