Forum Discussion

thebackupteam's avatar
20 days ago

Get-BEBackupDefinition not showing all results

Giving BEMCLI a test with a view to automating switching duplicate jobs to new S3 buckets every 3 months.

Get-BEBackupDefinition in conjuction with Set-BEDuplicateStageBackupTask seems to be exactly what is required from the examples in the help guide...

Get-BEBackupDefinition "Backup Definition 01" | Set-BEDuplicateStageBackupTask -Name "Duplicate 2" -Storage "Any disk storage" | Save-BEBackupDefinition
However, running Get-BEBackupDefinition only returns a few results (from what i can see only agent based jobs). None of the VM based jobs show up. Running Get-BEJob shows everything as expected.
Any pointers on how to use bemcli/powershell to automate changing jobs to use the new s3 bucket?
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