Performing restore from Windows Remote Agent
Hello Community,
I have backed up few files to the tape. Now I want to restore those files using bemcmd commands from the Windows 10 (x64) remote agent. The main media server is on Windows XP (x86). I tried to install remote agent on win10 by using setup.exe in the following dir on primary server : c:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Agents\RAWSX64\ which successfuly installed the agent but when I try to use bemcmd command I got following error : The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click ok to close the application.
How can I resolve this issue and perform restores from remote agent.
Mital Modi
As you mentioned BEMCMD and Windows 12.x is listed in your tags - I have to assume you are running a version that does not support Windows 10
As such you probably need to get yourself on a newer version of BE (and then look at the remote powershell based functionality of BEMCLI, which replaced BEMCMD in the versions of Backup Exec that were released after 2010 R3)
Note 1: scripting restores job will require good understanding of both Powershell and Backup Exec (and in fact was no easier in BEMCMD either) and it is therefore usually recommended to use the console for restore jobs.
Note 2: BEMCMD was not really a remote agent function, as it is a admin function and as such for those old (now unsupported) versions it may have been installed with the remote admin console or possibly might have worked on remote systems with a manual file copy, however neither option would have been confirmed as supported on Windows 10