Forum Discussion

Pix_R's avatar
Level 5
5 years ago

What setting is stuck for this error to display?

 On a scan I have settings  where pause is disabled -

scanner.pause.enabled,false,1,5 *<this  collector server>
scanner.pause.schedule.incremental,"7 0 22 0 2,3,4,5,6;",1,2

job.IScannerJob.cron,"0 00 23 * * ? *",1,2
job.IScannerJob.cron,"0 00 23 * * ? *",1,5


but yet I get an error -

572EMC Isilonfiler3nasPAUSEDMon Jul 20 06:47:36 EDT 202012 min 25 secMon Jul 20 07:00:01 EDT 2020FULLcollector5Incremental scan for share \\filer3nas\littleShare\ paused; Files scanned: 4065, Folders scanned: 717, Avg Throughput: 813 files per minute, 143 folders per minute
375EMC Isilonfiler3nasPAUSEDSun Jul 19 04:53:53 EDT 202048 min 48 secTue Jul 21 07:00:01 EDT 2020FULLcollector5Incremental scan for share \\filer3nas\mediumShare\ paused; Files scanned: 635303, Folders scanned: 333, Avg Throughput: 819 files per minute, 0 folders per minute
373EMC Isilonfiler3nasPAUSEDSun Jul 19 04:42:01 EDT 20207 hr 43 minWed Jul 22 07:00:01 EDT 2020FULLcollector5Incremental scan for share \\filer3nas\bigShare\ paused; Files scanned: 1114109, Folders scanned: 81, Avg Throughput: 8912 files per minute, 0 folders per minute
307EMC Isilonfiler3nasPAUSEDSat Jul 18 02:30:25 EDT 202023 hr 59 minWed Jul 22 07:00:01 EDT 2020FULLcollector5Incremental scan for share \\filer3nas\hugeShare\ paused; Files scanned: 4835547, Folders scanned: 95138, Avg Throughput: 1831 files per minute, 35 folders per minute


by default there was pause enabled but it was removed from the  collector scheduling settings in the console quite some time ago and while these are recorded as paused in the history tab the in-progress tab actually shows ongoing scanning active at the same time.


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