Forum Discussion

Atif's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

TSO cloud is not accessible

Hey Guys,

I have been trying to access the DLP demo machines on TSO. Cloud through web and RDP but non is working. I followed their PDF guide regarding RDP connectivity but when I enter tso crendentials, it says "The server is unavailable".

Anyone experiencing the same issue? how to get it work?


5 Replies

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  • Hi Atif,

    I think server is not accessible due to some activity (maintence ) etc. Just wait and try aftersome time

  • Hi Sharma,

    They should have put some note on the page... :)... I will try again after few hours and lets hope it works.



  • Servers are up again but still cant access those through RDP or web console. I have been trying to access different TSO servers for last couple of months but none is working through web or RDP.

  • I would recommend that you post your question to the Security Community in the DLP forum.  We have a number of product experts that frequent that forum and your post will have better visibility.