Forum Discussion

Sathya_Paul's avatar
9 years ago

Demo for EV. Cloud


    I am trying to find a way to setup a demo for my IT Team for Symantec EV CLoud..

Looking for demo from Symantec Team.




  • Hi Sathya, I can help with that if you're in the USA. Where are you located?

7 Replies

  • spaul, can you mark this as solved since we got you in touch with the right Symantec resource?

  • i got your info and will reach out via email soon. wanted to let you know that i edited your post and removed the private info. since this is a public forum, i dont want you to get spammed.

  • We have a Bay Area office and can get this rolling for you. Happy to put your Sunnyvale counterpart in touch with them if you want to PM me their contact info.

  • I am Located in India... but dont work on any speciifc Timezone... so any time is fine... my senior counter part works in Sunnyvale...

  • Hi Sathya, I can help with that if you're in the USA. Where are you located?