Will NetBackup 8.2 documentation videos be available in other languages?
A Veritas customer asked, "Will NetBackup 8.2 documentation videos be available in other languages?"
Thanks to the Globalization team, External Certificate Authority and Integrated Snapshot Management videos are supported with French, Simplified Chinese and Japanese human voice overs. All these videos are also supported with French, Simplified Chinese and Japanese closed captions (subtitles) depending on the user’s browser language settings. Voice overs and closed captions can be toggled as per user’s preferences.
You might ask why machine translation? Remember, we are talking about online documents; these are living documents which can be updated. To keep the video content equally up-to-date would mean constantly re-recording the audio, so we decided to give the machine voice over a go, as it allows us to move faster to keep content current for customers.
You can access the Veritas Tech Support YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCXVD2K4FZfxJnhFAF5maDQ