Forum Discussion

lt13624's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Advanced Disk Space v De-Dupe Disk Space - 5230 Appliance


We have a new 5230 appliance where the internal disk has been set up (by default) in the following way:

Catalog 20% - around 930GB

Advanced Disk 16%

De-duplication Pool 64%

We intend to backup to site A, then use AIR to replicate to site B (another 5230 appliance) where the backup will be eventually vaulted off to tape. However, some data will stay at site A until its expiry date (1 year). We have various retention times and clients. 

1. Are there any calculations for the amount of catalog ratio to backups. Is 20% catalog to high, should I resize this. I know its an open question somewhat but is there any rule of thumb?

2. As you can see, I have a mixture of Advanced Disk and De-dupe disk. How do we balance between de-dupe space and advanced disk? What is the difference? We want to get the benefit of de-dupe for every backup so why wouldnt we configure the whole capacity to be De-dupe disk and have no advanced? Would I use Advanced Disk for some backups and De-dupe for others? 

So we would end up with:

Catalog 20% - around 930GB

De-duplication Pool 80%

Could someone help explain my options?

Kind Regards


  • Hi All,

    I found this excellent article:

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  • Really you will want to test this. It depends on how big your catalog is, and what retention your going to use. You will want to store your catalog backups to advanced disk as it will be faster durring disaster recovery. If your running low on space with that volume pool just use the Resize AdvancedDisk command. 

    The difference between advanced disk and deduplication is deduplication uses data compression that saves space. You will take a performance hit when you restore as it has to rehydrate the data. Advanced disk will be useful when you want to backup your catalog or duplicate to tape. 

  • So, are you saying that long term retention to disk needs to be de-dupe but you need Advanced disk to use for fast backup/restore?

  • Hi All,

    I found this excellent article: