Forum Discussion

Anders_Tenden's avatar
15 years ago

Puredisk 6.6 export to Netbackup 7.0?

Hi guys.

I'm having a bit of a problem here. I'm running Puredisk and wants to export dataselections to NBU. I've done this type of configuration several times before. What's new is that I have a NBU 7.0 client installed on the Puredisk node, and it doesnt seem to work. The export jobs will hang on jobstep 2 for about 15 minutes until it fails. I'm monitoring both the server and client logs in NBU, and there's no activity whatsoever. I've double-checked the license keys on both NBU and PD, the Datastore policy (with client side dedup deactivated), export policy and confirmed connectivity with bpclntcmd on both NBU server and PD server. It is all configured according to the documentation, still...

I've not been able to find a document saying it is'nt supported, but then again I've not found the opposite either. Does anyone have a clue?

Here are the log from PD:


[2010-Feb-18 11:43:33 CET] *** Start: MBFindToExport ***
[2010-Feb-18 11:43:33 CET] Output POlist file name = /Storage/tmp/wf_polist_4d41xH
[2010-Feb-18 11:43:33 CET] Using MBFind --toregistertime=1266489802 --toErrorCode=0 (action: mbrestore)
[2010-Feb-18 11:44:31 CET]PO list saved as :/Storage/tmp/wf_polist_4d41xH
[2010-Feb-18 11:44:32 CET] *** Stop: MBFindToExport ***
Agent Jobstep analysis: exitcode 0, status 2, progress 100.

 *** Supportability Summary ***
jobid                 = 63
jobstepid             = 235
agentid               = 2001000000
hostname              =
starttimejobstep      = February 18, 2010, 11:43 am
endtimejobstep        = February 18, 2010, 11:44 am
workflowstepname      = MBFind
status                = SUCCESS

[2010-Feb-18 11:44:34 CET] *** Start: ExportFilesToNBU ***

[2010-Feb-18 11:44:37 CET] ### NetBackup Export Parameters ###

[2010-Feb-18 11:44:37 CET] Data selection id  : 3
[2010-Feb-18 11:44:37 CET] Data source client :
[2010-Feb-18 11:44:37 CET] Export agent       :
[2010-Feb-18 11:44:37 CET] NetBackup version  : NetBackup-SuSE2.6.16 7.0
[2010-Feb-18 11:44:37 CET]NetBackup Policy   : PureDisk_Export

[2010-Feb-18 11:59:44 CET]

*** Error in Export ***
[2010-Feb-18 11:59:44 CET][11:59:44] Items Processed          : 0
[2010-Feb-18 11:59:44 CET][11:59:44] Items Exported           : 0 (0.00 bytes)
[2010-Feb-18 11:59:44 CET][11:59:44] Error Items              : 0
[2010-Feb-18 11:59:44 CET][11:59:44] Export Speed             : 0.00 bytes/sec
[2010-Feb-18 11:59:44 CET][11:59:44] Processing Speed         :
[2010-Feb-18 11:59:44 CET][11:59:44] Files exported           : 0
[2010-Feb-18 11:59:44 CET][11:59:44] Directories exported     : 0
[2010-Feb-18 11:59:44 CET][11:59:44] Hard Links exported      : 0
[2010-Feb-18 11:59:44 CET][11:59:44] Symbolic Links exported  : 0
[2010-Feb-18 11:59:44 CET][11:59:44] Device Files exported    : 0
[2010-Feb-18 11:59:44 CET][11:59:44] Nothing could be exported (empty PO list).
[2010-Feb-18 11:59:44 CET] *** Stop Executing ExportFilesToNBU ***

Agent Jobstep analysis: exitcode 1, status 3, progress 0.

 *** Supportability Summary ***
jobid                 = 63
jobstepid             = 236
agentid               = 2001000000
hostname              =
starttimejobstep      = February 18, 2010, 11:44 am
endtimejobstep        = February 18, 2010, 11:59 am
workflowstepname      = ExportFilesToNBU
status                = ERROR

Execute WFAction: Mark Error
Export To NBU exited with error.

 *** Supportability Summary ***
jobid                 = 63
jobstepid             = 244
agentid               = 2001000000
hostname              =
starttimejobstep      = February 18, 2010, 11:59 am
endtimejobstep        = February 18, 2010, 11:59 am
workflowstepname      = MarkError
status                = SUCCESS

Execute WFAction: Exit
 Job exited with 1 errors, 0 warnings, 3 successes

 *** Supportability Summary ***
jobid                 = 63
jobstepid             = 245
agentid               = 2001000000
hostname              =
starttimejobstep      = February 18, 2010, 11:59 am
endtimejobstep        = February 18, 2010, 11:59 am
workflowstepname      = Exit
status                = SUCCESS


Anders Tenden

  • OK, i've found the cause - Windows 2008 firewall... Shit, this isnt the first time i've been tricked by this. In the future, the word "firewall" should be at first row in my mind when someone just mentions Windows 2008...!!! Argh!!

    Sorry for bothering you. Thanks anyways :)

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  • OK, i've found the cause - Windows 2008 firewall... Shit, this isnt the first time i've been tricked by this. In the future, the word "firewall" should be at first row in my mind when someone just mentions Windows 2008...!!! Argh!!

    Sorry for bothering you. Thanks anyways :)