Forum Discussion

PaulLaVigne's avatar
11 years ago

Cannot get Master server to connect to OPSCenter server

I am trying to get OpsCenter working with my Master Server, and cannot get the two to connect. I installed OpsCenter on a seprate server just fine, and added the OpsCenter server ju...
  • PaulLaVigne's avatar
    11 years ago

    I ended up opning a ticket to get a little help, and figured the rest out on my own, so I'll post the little bit I learned in case someone else comes across this.

    First off, apparently I needed to run the "Symantec Product Authenication Server" installation, from the OppCenter install media, on to the Master Server. That was never clearly indicated in the documentation, and from what I found, they made it sound like that was only necesasry for a cluster installation, which I do not have.

    That put the "bin" folder in place, with the other necessary tools, namely vssat. 

    Secondly, I needed to open a couple of firewall ports, so I used netsh to set those up:

    To allow vssat to set up the trust, you'll need to open up port 2821 on the OpsCenter server:​
         netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="OpsCtr" dir=in action=allow protocol=tcp localport=2821
    To allow the OpsCenter server to communicate with the Master Server, you need to open port 1556 on both:
         netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="OpsCtrClnt" dir=in action=allow protocol=tcp localport=1556
    I am finally collecting data now.