Can SSL certificates be installed post installation of NSS
I have just installed NSS, however I now need to add the SSL security certificates, is this possible?
Yes, however It is recommended that you install the SSL certificate before NSS, if however you want to apply afterwards then do the following:
Install SSL certificate, then....
Click->Admin->Settings->Integration Settings
Locate section called NetBackup Adapter
Change the values for the following 2 settings to use https:
Panels Url
Service Url
Staying in the admin section go to Support->Configuration Check
Change the values in the following 2 sections to use https by clicking the Edit button
Web Root Address
Public Web Service
On the machine where the NSS adapter is installed (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 7.7.3)
Go to MSBuild folder
Right Click on COnfigDecrypt.bat and run as administrator. Answer yes to the question on the command window
Go Back to C:\Program Files (x86)\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 7.7.3
Go to NetBackupAdapterPanels folder
Edit web.config
Locate name="DapiConnectionString", change the url to use https Save and close web.config
Back to C:\Program Files (x86)\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 7.7.3
Go to NetbackupAdapterServices
Edit web.config
Locate name="DapiConnectionString", change the url to use https Save and close web.config
Back to C:\Program Files (x86)\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 7.7.3
Go to MSBuild
Right click on ConfigEncrypt.bat and run it as administrator. Answer yes to any questionsIn NSS version 8.2., we introduced a wizard to make changing these URLs easier:
If you run the NetBackupSelfServiceAdapterConfigurator.exe file…
…you can now select an Edit URLs option:You can then change the core URLs for NSS to use the HTTPS URLs, instead of HTTP:
If you have customised scripts within NSS or external scripts that call the NSS API, you may also need to also ensure that any URLs specified in your scripts have also been updated to use HTTPS.Ben