Forum Discussion

avinash7's avatar
Level 3
8 years ago

Daily tape usage reporting for Tapes using Opscenter

I am working on setting up capacity reporting for the backup tapes. Could you help suggesting if it is possible to get some report from the Netbackup ops center on ‘daily backup volume to tape?

Data would be required to monitor daily/monthly increment in the volume been sent to tape, so we could make some estimations on the future tape requirement.

I have opscenter analytics version. My backups run to MSDP first then duplicated to tape using SLP. Could you please suggest some report that I can use ?


I use the Media Summary by Media Server report but that gives me the total utilized tapes and data on them.

1 Reply

  • You can try to create a Tabular Custom Report with a keeping the Time frame for last 1 day AND under filters , set the values for  MEDIA ->'Media Volume Group Name' (To make sure we only consider Removal Media and not on Disk) 

    AND JOB->Job Type = Duplication | Backup ( To make sure we only consider backups and duplication jobs and not Restore) .From the Display option ,select Job size with Opertaion ( Total ) .The tabular report will show you the size of dat awritten on the tape for that particular day (last 24 hours).

