Forum Discussion

inn_kam's avatar
Level 6
12 years ago

Is it necessary to install OPS Agent when installing OPS Server on WIN Server?


my question is

i have installed opscenter 7.5 on win server 2003 32 bit ,but its RAM is 2GB ,on the same server where NB is installed.

And also upgraded ops

when i log in i am unable to get any data on Ops Center . i have also added the OPS Center server name (same as master server name on OPS CENTER server properties in Netbackup Master server)

i have not installed view builder and Ops Agent .

So will i have to install Ops View and Ops Agent also ?

2 Replies

  • You don't need OPS Agent, you can install view builder.

    You need to create an entry for each NBU server you are collecting data from in Ops C.

    After about 20 minutes you should have data collected.

    Make sure you have installed the right version of OPS C on your W2003 server, 32 bit or 64 bit.

    Is the OSP Center tab in master server properties populated ?

    Onec you get answers to all this it should work fine.

  • You only need the OpsCenter Agent installing on your Master Server if you want to run capacity based reports from OpsCenter - this uses the agent to process the nbdeployutil for you.

    As OpsCenter is independant from NetBackup it doesn't know anything about your Master Server until you have added it into the configuration - so go to the Settings Section- Configuration tab and "Add" your Master Server in there - it will then start to collect its data within a few minutes

    Viewbuilder is an optional component