Forum Discussion

6 Replies

  • can symantec technical team helps me to open these tech note >?

    Yes,You can contact symantec support

    recantly Symantec has expired some article.

    See same problem on security community

  • Here is the cached copy, you can always get this

    Other KB is removed , you may need to search based on key words, KB might be update to a different one.


  • The TNs you are looking for are for old NBU/VBR versions that are no longer supported.

    Rather start a new discussion with your actual issue/problem/query.

  • actually we ant to upgrade VBR

    But current VBR Version giving error when we are connecting agent 

    "there was an error while getting complete Data Collector status for agent :retries exceeded couldn't reconnect to "server:7806""

    So this technote has three steps to resolve this when i opened before, but now its expired

    CAN SYMANTEC Team give me the steps from above mentioned tech note from thier old data tech notes please??

    thanks all for reply , 


  • HI

    Took support from symantec they help me and copy and paste me the required document