OpsCenter - Deleting Master servers data
I was trying to delete a few master servers from one of my OpsCenter servers, but it is taking forever. I select the master and click on delete. It refreshes and shows as 'deleting...', however, it has been like that for a few days now. Any way of making this faster, perhaps, SQL code?
Hi luisvidal, You CAN NOT delete master server from opscenter GUI. You need to run a SQL DML statement from dbisqlc .Here are the steps you need to follow.
- Stop all OpsCenter services except for the database service
- Backup the current OpsCenter database:
C:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\server\bin\dbbackup.bat \Connect to the OpsCenter database with dbisqlc
With Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\server\db\WIN64 Launch the program "dbisqlc.exe" from this location. To connect to the database with dbisqlc, enter: User ID: DBA Password: SQL Click on Database Tab Uncheck "Stop database after last disconnect" Server name: opscenter_'hostname' (example Server name: opscenter_myservername) Click on OK In the lower screen of dbisqlc labeled "Command", enter the sql:
List existing master servers with the following command:
select * from dba.domain_masterserver
View the results and note the ID of the master server to be deleted
Delete the master server with the following command:
delete from dba.domain_masterserver where id=nnnnn(where nnnnn is the ID of the master server to delete as noted in the previous select statement)
When the delete command finishes, commit the changes
Exit disiqlcStart the OpsCenter server and webserver services
Login to the OpsCenter GUI and confirm that the master is now deleted.Hope this will help.