Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • Try this, just change '' with the correct one

    clientName AS "Client",
    policyName AS "Policy Name", AS "Schedule Type",
    utcbiginttonomtime(startTime) AS "Start Time",
    utcbiginttonomtime(endTime) AS "End Time",
    DATEDIFF(mi, utcbiginttonomtime(StartTime), utcbiginttonomtime(EndTime)) AS "Duration (Min)",
    filesBackedUp AS "File Count",
    (bytesWritten/1024/1024/1024) AS "Size (GB)",
    statuscode AS "Status Code"
    FROM domain_jobArchive
    JOIN lookup_ScheduleType
    ON = domain_jobArchive.scheduleType
    WHERE clientName = ''
    DATEDIFF(day,UTCBigIntToNomTime(endTime), GETDATE()) <= 14

    order by startTime DESC