Forum Discussion

Ramiro-Magan's avatar
11 years ago

Problem exporting queries.

I have some normal and some custome queries that I want to export in CSV in order to set them nice and presentable in an excel sheet.


Now the problem I am having, is that the report generates about 10.000 lines, and when I export it, it only transfers the first 4000 lines.

As you can see, this is a very anoying problem, and truth is I have no idea why is it happening, and don´t know if there is a way to walk around it. I asked several guys over here, and no one seems to have a clue.


Any chance someone here knows a trick?


BTW, Opscenter


  • Hi,

    there is a default of 4000 rows on exports. This can be changed by editing the report.conf file as referenced in the technote below.

    Path to the file is

    C:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\server\config\report.conf

    This is done on purpose so that if a report has too much data it doesnt take hours to run and export.

    Let me know if this doesnt solve the problem.


6 Replies