Forum Discussion

3 Replies

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  • Not the answer that you want to hear, but Replication Exec 3.1 does not and will not support SQL 2005 as per this Support document. This is the final release of the Replication Exec product and thus will not support any 64-bit operating system.
  • Hi,

    Need some advice here.
    I have a DB Server (Clustered) which needs to be replicated to a DR Environment. It is connected to SAN storage.
    Currently I have this issue doing replication in SQL 2005.
    Whenever there is a drop or alter table, there will be issue doing replication.
    Have tested with Mirror Clone from SAN but the target copy will not be usable.

    I am looking at the below features:

    1) Replicate any tables/views irregardless of whether it has primary key or not
    2) Allow for synchronise replication (Synchronous/Real Time)
    3) Both database must be allowed to run in Active-Active mode even during replication. (For both Source and Target DB)
    4) Any drop/alter table in the Apps DB must be replicated across & reflecteed on the Rpt DB as well.

    Appreciate if there are any reply. Thanks.