Forum Discussion

Lee_Brown's avatar
18 years ago

Using on a workgroup

Hi there,

a simple problem really...wonder if someone can help.

Ive installed replication exec on windows server 2000 SP4 and then the client on a winXP Pro PC. I wish to test replication between the two.

Both server show up on the server 2000 comp as online, however trying to access the winXP Pro computer from there results in it asking me for logon credentials.
There is no password, just a username for this WinXP computer. However it doesnt accept the username and repeatedly asks for logon credentials.

What do i do? it must be something simple ive missed.

Things tried:

- Entering the workgroup into the domain field.
- leaving the domain field and password field blank.
- creating a new user on winXP with administrative rights and with a password.
- entered in the new username and password
all result in the same repeated logon credentials box

10 Replies

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  • Somebody please answer this! I am having the same issue... cannot connect to target or source server inside my workgroup. I am continually prompted for credentials. I add a password, no change. I try workgroup name as domain, no help. I contacted tech supprt and they said to share a folder on the target ... DUH!
    This looks like a good product but how can I evaluate it if I cannot get two boxes to talk to each other?????
  • Create a local account on the WINXP machine and give it rights to the folders you want replicated.  Then when promted on the RMS server enter those credentials and VRE will remember them.
  • NO! Please understand the problem. I cannot get past the credentials prompt. I have administrator rights. I am using the admin user. There is no domain controller - it is a peer network - workgroup... RMS can not get past the credentials prompt. Nothing satisfies the credentials prompt. It that so hard to understand? It isn't about shared folders or permissions. I cannot validate the user logon. Sorry, but this is so frustrating!
  • I understand what you are saying.  Try inserting the machine name prior to the user id to tell windows security where the account resides.  Make sure to separate the two with a backslash.
    For instance if the machine name of the XP machine is "Bob" and the id you create on the XP machine is "Admin".  Then in the userid field you would type;
    This tells your computers security to look to the machine Bob for the credentials.
    Good luck.
  • And BTW, I am trying to help you out.  The all caps and talking to me like I am an idiot won't inspire people to help you.  After all I'm not the one who doesn't understand windows authentication.
  • You can also add credentials using srtool.  Here is the example from the srtool guide pdf Veritas has for download on the support page.
    add redential with servername = "backupserver", username = "Joe", domain - "Administrative", password = Encrypt ("Joe's password")
  • I DO appreciate you and anyone else trying to help, but I am SO frustrated. In your last post you mention using the srtools... and you tell me what to put in Domain= but therein lies my problem... there is no domain. It is my theory that this product will not work w/o a PDC but nobody will confirm or deny... I want to hear someone say that it DOES work w/o a PDC, not that it CAN.

    Message Edited by capnturkey on 09-18-2007 06:49 AM
  • You don't HAVE to have a domain. 
    A domain is just a collection of rights to resources, a machine can also control it's own resources locally so for the purpose of logging in the machine name IS the domain.  Windows doesn't care as long as something authenticates the request for access.  So instead of needing a domain you set the rights to a local account on the PC, and when requesting access to that resource you preceed the id with the machine name seperated by the backslash to tell the query "Hey authenticate over here."

    Message Edited by MKnoll on 09-18-2007 06:36 AM
  • In RMS, I try to access a PC on the network, either to push the install or if already installed locally, to create a server pair. Up pops a box requesting three items: User, Pswd and Domain. If the network name of the machine is BLUE and the user id is ADMIN and the password is ****, your suggestion is to use \\BLUE\ADMIN as user and **** as pswd and what? leave domain blank or insert workgroup name or insert \\BLUE there?
  • No, in that case use the machine name as the domain name and just insert the id without the prefix.