Forum Discussion

Thokozani_Mabas's avatar
11 years ago

NFS agent for CFS share

Dear All,

I have setup CFSshare. I can see under cfsshare display, but if I run "cfsshare share /emm2 rw" is NOT sharing but from the Java Console of the cluster. The NFS resource has got a question MARK. So I am really not too what to do now.,

root@node_1# cfsmount /emm5 rw
  [/dev/vx/dsk/mobile_dg/mobile_vol_4] already mounted at /emm5 on node_0
  [/dev/vx/dsk/mobile_dg/mobile_vol_4] already mounted at /emm5 on node_1
root@node_1 # cfsshare share /emm5
  Warning: V-35-465: Resource [share3] is not online on system [node_0].
  Warning: V-35-465: Resource [share3] is not online on system [node_1].
root@node_1 # cfsshare display
  CNFS metadata filesystem : /locks
  Protocols Configured : NFS
  share1        /emm2           NFS        rw                  
  share2        /emm3           NFS        rw                  
  share3        /emm5           NFS       rw                     
root@node_1 # 

3 Replies

  • could you also let me know the OS & VCS version you are using ?

    also would need the NFS definition from file & a "hastatus -sum" output




  • Dear G,


    Kindly find the output of engine log when issuing cfsshare share /emm2 rw

    root@node_1 # tail -f /var/VRTSvcs/log/engine_A.log 
    2014/01/29 04:19:36 VCS INFO V-16-1-10305 Resource share1_cfsnfssg_dummy1 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: cfsnfssg_dummy1) is offline on node_1 (VCS initiated)
    2014/01/29 04:19:36 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: haconf -makerw from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:19:36 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -delete share1_cfsnfssg_dummy1  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:19:36 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10447 Group cfsnfssg_dummy1 is online on system node_0
    2014/01/29 04:19:36 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10447 Group cfsnfssg_dummy1 is online on system node_1
    2014/01/29 04:19:36 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: haconf -dump -makero from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:19:37 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: haconf -makerw from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:19:37 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -undo_override cfsmount7_cfsnfssg_dummy1  IMF  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:20:00 VCS INFO V-16-10001-20903 (node_0) CFSMount:cfsmount7_cfsnfssg_dummy1:imf_register:/opt/VRTSamf/bin/amfregister -imn -r CFSMount -g cfsmount7_cfsnfssg_dummy1 "/dev/vx/dsk/mobile_dg/mobile_vol_1" "/emm2" "vxfs"
    2014/01/29 04:20:02 VCS INFO V-16-10001-20903 (node_1) CFSMount:cfsmount7_cfsnfssg_dummy1:imf_register:/opt/VRTSamf/bin/amfregister -imn -r CFSMount -g cfsmount7_cfsnfssg_dummy1 "/dev/vx/dsk/mobile_dg/mobile_vol_1" "/emm2" "vxfs"
    2014/01/29 04:22:29 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: haconf -makerw from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:29 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: haconf -makerw from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:29 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: haconf -makerw from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:47 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -add share5  Share  cfsnfssg  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:47 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -modify share5  PathName  /emm2  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:48 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -modify share5  NFSRes  nfs  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:48 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -modify share5  Critical  0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:48 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -modify share5  Enabled  1  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:48 VCS INFO V-16-1-10304 Resource share5 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: cfsnfssg) is offline on node_0 (First probe)
    2014/01/29 04:22:48 VCS INFO V-16-1-10304 Resource share5 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: cfsnfssg) is offline on node_1 (First probe)
    2014/01/29 04:22:48 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -link share5  nfs  0  0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:48 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -modify ... -add cvmvoldg1  CVMVolume  mobile_vol_1  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:49 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -add cfsmount11  CFSMount  cfsnfssg  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:49 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -modify cfsmount11  Critical  0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:49 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -modify cfsmount11  MountPoint  /emm2  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:49 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -modify cfsmount11  BlockDevice  /dev/vx/dsk/mobile_dg/mobile_vol_1  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:49 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -modify cfsmount11  NodeList  node_0  node_1  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:49 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -modify cfsmount11  AMFMountType  vxfs  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:49 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -local cfsmount11  MountOpt  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:50 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -modify cfsmount11  MountOpt  rw  node_0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:50 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -local cfsmount11  MountOpt  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:50 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -modify cfsmount11  MountOpt  rw  node_1  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:50 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -override cfsmount11  IMF  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:50 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -modify ... -update cfsmount11  IMF  Mode  0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:50 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -modify cfsmount11  Enabled  1  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:50 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -link cfsmount11  cvmvoldg1  0  0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:51 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -link cfsmount11  cfsnfs_locks  0  0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:51 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -link share5  cfsmount11  0  0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:51 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: haconf -dump -makero from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:51 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -local cfsmount11  RemountRes  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:51 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -modify cfsmount11  RemountRes  DONE  node_1  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:51 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -online share5  node_0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:51 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -clear cfsmount11  node_0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:51 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -clear nfs  node_0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:51 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -clear cfsnfs_locks  node_0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:51 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -clear cvmvoldg1  node_0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:54 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -online share5  node_0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:55 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -modify cfsmount11  Primary  node_1  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:56 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -online share5  node_0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:58 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -online share5  node_0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:58 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -local cfsmount11  RemountRes  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:58 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -modify cfsmount11  RemountRes  DONE  node_1  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:22:58 VCS INFO V-16-1-10297 Resource cfsmount11 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: cfsnfssg) is online on node_0 (First probe)
    2014/01/29 04:22:58 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10232 Clearing Restart attribute for group cfsnfssg on node node_0
    2014/01/29 04:22:58 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10232 Clearing Restart attribute for group cfsnfssg on node node_1
    2014/01/29 04:22:59 VCS INFO V-16-1-10297 Resource cfsmount11 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: cfsnfssg) is online on node_1 (First probe)
    2014/01/29 04:22:59 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10232 Clearing Restart attribute for group cfsnfssg on node node_0
    2014/01/29 04:22:59 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10232 Clearing Restart attribute for group cfsnfssg on node node_1
    2014/01/29 04:23:00 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -online share5  node_0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:23:02 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -online share5  node_0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:23:04 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -online share5  node_0  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:24:34 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10232 Clearing Restart attribute for group cfsnfssg on node node_0
    2014/01/29 04:24:34 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10232 Clearing Restart attribute for group cfsnfssg on node node_1
    2014/01/29 04:24:34 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10301 Initiating Online of Resource nfs (Owner: Unspecified, Group: cfsnfssg) on System node_1
    2014/01/29 04:24:34 VCS WARNING V-16-10001-7025 (node_1) NFS:nfs:online:Failed to get value of Protocol attribute. Using the default Protocol [all]
    2014/01/29 04:24:38 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -clear cfsmount11  node_1  from localhost
    2014/01/29 04:24:38 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -clear nfs  node_1  from localhost
  • Hello,

    A question mark on the NFS resource may be the cause here which means that your NFS resource is not online or in unknown state.

    Can you paste a hastatus -sum output ? also, paste the engine_A.log which has errors displayed for NFS resource.

    Also, have you done the basic troubleshooting around NFS, is nfsd running & responding ? did u try sharing any other filesystem for a test purpose ?

