Forum Discussion

mhab11's avatar
Level 5
12 years ago

How do I uninstall a hotfix

I refered to this document but when I run the vxhf.exe /uninstall I get a error. When I check /help that command isnt there.

VxHFBatchInstaller.exe /CP:<CPName> [/Exclude:<HF1.exe>,<HF2.exe>...] [/PreInstallScript:<>] [ /silent [/forcerestart] ]
VxHFBatchInstaller.exe /list
VxHFBatchInstaller.exe /help
Where CP represents Cumulative Patch.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Veritas Shared\WxRTPrivates\CP13_SFWHA_51SP2
>vxhfbatchinstaller.exe /uninstall:HF50
The syntax of the command is incorrect.

  • Hi mhab11,

    You cannot run the vxhf.exe command from the CP13_SFWHA_51SP2 folder.  For the on that you list here is what you need to do.

    1. Open a command prompt with Administrator rights.

    2. run:

          cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Veritas Shared\WxRTPrivates\Hotfix_5_1_20045_87_2587638"

    3. run:

          vxhf.exe /uninstall:Hotfix_5_1_20045_87_2587638 /silent

    Let me know if these steps work for you.

    Thank you,



4 Replies

  • Hi mhab11,

    We don't have a single command to uninstall the entire CP from the server.  However, if you want to remove just a single patch here is how you would do it for a sample patch named Hotfix_1_1_20012_88_2087139:

    1. Open a command prompt with Administrator rights.

    2. CD in to the folder that contains the extraced patch.

    In my example the folder we would cd into would be "c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Veritas Shared\WxRTPrivates\Hotfix_1_1_20012_88_2087139"

    3. Run the following command: "vxhf.exe /uninstall:Hotfix_1_1_20012_88_2087139 /silent"

    Check the output to see if there were any error when removing the hotfix.  Errors should be shown in RED.  Also check the output to see if the hotfix requires a reboot to complete.

    Each hot fix must be uninstalled one at a time.  However, with a little scripting knowledge I'm sure a quick script can be created to uninstall all installed patches.

    I hope this helps.

    Thank you,


  • Not Recognized, tryed a few different ways.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Veritas Shared\WxRTPrivates\CP13_SFWHA_51SP2
    >vxhf.exe /uninstall:Hotfix_5_1_20045_87_2587638_w2k8_x64 /silent
    'vxhf.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Veritas Shared\WxRTPrivates\CP13_SFWHA_51SP2
    >vxhf.exe /uninstall:Hotfix_5_1_20045_87_2587638
    'vxhf.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Veritas Shared\WxRTPrivates\CP13_SFWHA_51SP2
    >vxhfbatchinstaller.exe /uninstall:Hotfix_5_1_20045_87_2587638_w2k8_x64
    The syntax of the command is incorrect.


  • Hi mhab11,

    You cannot run the vxhf.exe command from the CP13_SFWHA_51SP2 folder.  For the on that you list here is what you need to do.

    1. Open a command prompt with Administrator rights.

    2. run:

          cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Veritas Shared\WxRTPrivates\Hotfix_5_1_20045_87_2587638"

    3. run:

          vxhf.exe /uninstall:Hotfix_5_1_20045_87_2587638 /silent

    Let me know if these steps work for you.

    Thank you,
