Forum Discussion

Amal_Jacob_John's avatar
10 years ago

Storage Foundation

Hi im new to the product and the field, so really any advice would be great.

where exactly do you install VOM in your SAN environment and does the SF s/w collide with the storage vendor management s/w.

And how do you control a heterogenous storage with SF

Also can someone explain the licensing.

  • I advise you install VOM on a stand alone host, don't co-exist with other s/w. SF normally don't compatible with other storage vendor s/w, for example, if you use NetApp snapdrive, don't use SF. SF normally used to mirror LUNs from different array vendor, for example mirror an EMC lun and an IBM lun. Basically, licensing based on what product you use, SF or VCS or SFHA, as deails, you can ask SE for more.
  • I advise you install VOM on a stand alone host, don't co-exist with other s/w. SF normally don't compatible with other storage vendor s/w, for example, if you use NetApp snapdrive, don't use SF. SF normally used to mirror LUNs from different array vendor, for example mirror an EMC lun and an IBM lun. Basically, licensing based on what product you use, SF or VCS or SFHA, as deails, you can ask SE for more.
  • Local System Engineer from Symantec.


    Define "clash with storage vendor management s/w" in more detail please.


    Storage foundation comprises dynamic multipathing, volume manager and (File system in the unix/linux world).


    Volume manage is used to manage disks, create volumes (drives in windows), and mirrors etc. All operating systems have these function to some extent, SF is just more comprehensive and can co-exist with them in most cases.


    Dynamic multipathing is used to manage paths to a storage device. This could be done by a storage vendor's software like power path from EMC. The difference is that DMP can talk to EMC, HP, IBM, Hitachi and and and, not just one or two types.


    Hope that helps.

  • Thank You.

    Can you explain how VCS works?

    How is VCS utillized and from where is it managed.

    Also where can i get more training regarding the product. other than STS?

  • VCS is a cluster and can't really be explained in a post. Go for the trainings mouse posted below.

  • VCS Guides are also useful to refer ..

    Start from concepts here

