Windows 2008 R2 Backup failing since VSF 5.1 SP2 is installed
We have a Windows 2008 R2 failover cluster.We installed Storage Foundation 5.1 SP2 to provide dynamic disks to the cluster.
We are trying to run a BMR backup on the active node but we have the folowing error:
The shared restore point operation failed with error (0x81000101) The creation of a shadow copy has timed out. Try this operation again.
We adjusted the timeout parameters to 20 minutes than to 30 minutes:
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SPP"
- Create a new Registry value of type DWORD with name "CreateTimeout"
- Change value to 12000000(2*10*60*1000 = 20 mins) in decimal
Interestingly the backup is failing again and again:
The backup operation stopped before completing.
Detailed error: ERROR - The shared restore point operation failed with error (0x
The creation of a shadow copy has timed out. Try this operation again.
Windows Backup timed-out before the shared protection point was created.
ERROR - The shared restore point operation failed with error (0x81000101)
The creation of a shadow copy has timed out. Try this operation again.
Is there any reason why the windows backup cannot access the SF disks to make VSS snapshots?
Before installing SF everything was working like a charm.