Forum Discussion

Satish_M1's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

Adding new LUN to existing mount Point (Veritas Volume Manager)

Please can I know the procedure to add new LUN to exisiting mount point.
OS: Solaris 9
Veritas: Veritas Volume Manager 4

type: layout=

The Servers are already in VCS (active/passive).

  • In fact disk group has to be imported and vxfs file system has to be mounted in order to increase or decrease the vxfs file system size.
    If I were to assume that volume manager can see the LUN that you are going to add then there is no issue but in case it is not then you may have to restart volume manager daemon in order to make it visible to the volume manager and if you do so then I would suggest you to freeze the service group before you restart your volume manager daemon.


6 Replies

  • First of all you need to add the LUN to the disk group

    # vxdisksetup -if <disk name>   --> This will initialize the disk. Basically it will put private and public region on the disk header so that volume manager can work with the disk.
    # vxdg -g <disk group name> adddisk <disk access name, as you prefer>=<disk media name, as displayed in "vxdisk list" command>

    This command would increase the volume size as well as file system size
    # vxresize -g <disk group name> -F vxfs <volume name> <specify new volume size>

    FYI. VM4.0 is no longer supported, unless you have support exception, so I suggest you to go for an upgrade if it is an important server.
  • Hi Dev,

    Thank you for giving reply.

    1)  My exisiting volume group is currently mounted, can i increase the size while disk group is mounted? this is in production
    2)  Is there any exstra steps to be involved for existing 2 node cluster and make the LUN cluster aware?

    Pl. guide me
  • In fact disk group has to be imported and vxfs file system has to be mounted in order to increase or decrease the vxfs file system size.
    If I were to assume that volume manager can see the LUN that you are going to add then there is no issue but in case it is not then you may have to restart volume manager daemon in order to make it visible to the volume manager and if you do so then I would suggest you to freeze the service group before you restart your volume manager daemon.

  •  In a cluster setup,  first you need to make sure the LUNs are available/ visible  on both the nodes. 

    Then perform vxdisksetup to match the format (sliced / simple / or cds) 
    add luns to the shared diskgroup. Once the luns are successfully added to the diskgroup, simple vxresize command will magically expand the filesystem for you.

    You can increase the mounted shared veritas  filesystem, provided you see the LUNs from both the nodes without any hitch. 

    good luck.
  • Thank you for your suggession

    While resize i am getting following error msg.

    # /usr/lib/vxvm/bin/vxresize -g databkp_dg -F vxfs databkp_dg02 +300g
    VxVM vxprint ERROR V-5-1-2716 Record databkp_dg02 found but object type not selected
    VxVM vxresize ERROR V-5-1-4705 Problem running vxprint command for volume databkp_dg02, in diskgroup databkp_dg

    Please suggest

  • Pl. ignore my previous error msg.

    Solved the problem, thank u very much for your support Mr. Dev and Mr. Jayess