Forum Discussion

abhi_8029's avatar
Level 2
12 years ago

Can i recover data once i dissocaite and remove a subdisk ?

Hello All,


Dear VxVM experts, i need clarity on a task i am going to perform.


Will i be able to recover data once i dissociate and remove a subdisk ? With the belw command for example:-


vxsd -g oradg -o rm dis oradg22-01


My task is to do a migration from one arrary to another using Veritas mirroring. I have done the mirroring part, so to remove the old disks i am planning to perform below steps.


1) vxplex -g oradg dis dumps-02                                    {Dissociate plex from the volume, Wait for some days and then proceed further}

2) vxsd -g oradg dis oradg37-01                                     {Dissociate subdisks from the plex}

3) vxedit -g oradg -r rm dumps-02                                  {Remove the dissociated plex from configuration}          


4) vxsd -g oradg -o rm dis oradg37-01                            {Remove the dissociated subdisks}

5) vxdg -g oradg rmdisk oradg37                                   {Remove the disks from existing DG}


Before i  remove the subdisk , i will wait for some days. Will i be able to revert to old disk after step 4 above if something goes wrong in the meantime.

  • After step 1, it is easier to revert back to old disk and after step 3 before removing subdisk, it is still fairly easy as you just recreate your plex and associate plex as your data remains intact in the subdisk.  After you remove subdisk you can still revert back to old disk if you create the subdisks in exactly the same place - so you should take a "vxprint -m" so you have all the information to create objects exactly as they were.  You can use "vxmake -d desc_file" to recrete objects where desc_file contains the subdisks from the "vxprint -m" output


2 Replies

  • After step 1, it is easier to revert back to old disk and after step 3 before removing subdisk, it is still fairly easy as you just recreate your plex and associate plex as your data remains intact in the subdisk.  After you remove subdisk you can still revert back to old disk if you create the subdisks in exactly the same place - so you should take a "vxprint -m" so you have all the information to create objects exactly as they were.  You can use "vxmake -d desc_file" to recrete objects where desc_file contains the subdisks from the "vxprint -m" output



    Thanks a lot Mike, this is really helpful and solves ny querry.

    Have a good day.