Forum Discussion

user90210's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

Linux host shows more number of paths than actual

my linux host RHEL 6.4 , has EMC Symmetrix DMX800 luns provisioned.

2 HBA ports are seeing luns on the 2 array ports , thus making it 4 paths per lun. Instead OS sees it as 36 paths.

Same luns are also assigned to another host, there i see it correctly as 4 paths.

have checked the zoning, masking several times. Reimaged the host. this has not resolved the issue.

any setting on the symmetrix?

  • Hareware notes for disk array:


8 Replies

  • Hi

    You may want to check the array settings using the doc that starflyfly suggested. The SCSI flags for the array will be listed (C bit, SPC2 etc)

    From the output above it appears that DMP is seeing each dev as a seperate path, which could mean the serial numbers from the lun are not unique in DMP's view.




  • [root@devqalin-2 ~]# inq |more
    Inquiry utility, Version V7.3-824 (Rev 0.0)      (SIL Version V6.4.0.0 (Edit Lev
    el 824)
    Copyright (C) by EMC Corporation, all rights reserved.
    For help type inq -h.


    DEVICE           :VEND    :PROD            :REV   :SER NUM    :CAP(kb)
    /dev/sda         :DGC     :LUNZ            :0326  :00000000   :           0
    /dev/sdb         :DGC     :RAID 5          :0326  :4B0000AB   :    52428800
    /dev/sdc         :DGC     :LUNZ            :0326  :00000000   :           0
    /dev/sdd         :DGC     :RAID 10         :0326  :05000066   :    10485760
    /dev/sde         :DGC     :RAID 10         :0326  :06000066   :    10485760
    /dev/sdf         :DGC     :RAID 5          :0326  :480000AB   :    52428800
    /dev/sdg         :DGC     :RAID 5          :0326  :490000AB   :    52428800
    /dev/sdh         :DGC     :RAID 5          :0326  :4A0000AB   :    52428800
    /dev/sdi         :DGC     :RAID 5          :0326  :4B0000AB   :    52428800
    /dev/sdj         :DGC     :RAID 10         :0326  :05000066   :    10485760
    /dev/sdk         :DGC     :RAID 10         :0326  :06000066   :    10485760
    /dev/sdl         :DGC     :RAID 5          :0326  :480000AB   :    52428800
    /dev/sdm         :DGC     :RAID 5          :0326  :490000AB   :    52428800
    /dev/sdn         :DGC     :RAID 5          :0326  :4A0000AB   :    52428800
    /dev/sdq         :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700201000 :      459840
    /dev/sdr         :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700201000 :      459840
    /dev/sds         :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700202000 :      459840
    /dev/sdt         :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700202000 :      459840
    /dev/sdu         :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700203000 :      459840
    /dev/sdv         :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700203000 :      459840
    /dev/sdw         :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700204000 :      459840
    /dev/sdx         :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700204000 :      459840
    /dev/sdy         :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700205000 :      459840
    /dev/sdz         :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700205000 :      459840
    /dev/sdaa        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700206000 :      459840
    /dev/sdab        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700206000 :      459840
    /dev/sdac        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700207000 :      459840
    /dev/sdad        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700207000 :      459840
    /dev/sdae        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :570020d000 :      459840
    /dev/sdaf        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :570020d000 :      459840
    /dev/sdag        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :570020e000 :      459840
    /dev/sdah        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :570020e000 :      459840
    /dev/sdai        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :570020f000 :      459840
    /dev/sdaj        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :570020f000 :      459840
    /dev/sdak        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700210000 :      459840
    /dev/sdal        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700210000 :      459840
    /dev/sdam        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700211000 :      459840
    /dev/sdan        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700211000 :      459840
    /dev/sdao        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700212000 :      459840
    /dev/sdap        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700212000 :      459840
    /dev/sdaq        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700213000 :      459840
    /dev/sdar        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700213000 :      459840
    /dev/sdas        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700214000 :      459840
    /dev/sdat        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700214000 :      459840
    /dev/sdau        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700215000 :      459840
    /dev/sdav        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700215000 :      459840
    /dev/sdaw        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700216000 :     2208960
    /dev/sdax        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700216000 :     2208960
    /dev/sday        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700217000 :     2208960
    /dev/sdaz        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700217000 :     2208960
    /dev/sdba        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700218000 :     2208960
    /dev/sdbb        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700218000 :     2208960
    /dev/sdbc        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700219000 :     2208960
    /dev/sdbd        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700219000 :     2208960
    /dev/sdbe        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :570020c000 :      459840
    /dev/sdbf        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :570020c000 :      459840
    /dev/sdbg        :DELL    :PERC 5/i        :1.03  :           :    71041024
    /dev/sdbl        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700201000 :      459840
    /dev/sdbm        :EMC     :SYMMETRIX       :5671  :5700202000 :      459840



    this goes on forever , basically 36 times for each symmetrix lun.(one in bold above 0219 )

  • Hareware notes for disk array:


  • You can further  check:


    1. fdisk -l

    2. /etc/vx/diag.d/vxscsiinq -d  /dev/sdeo  <<<repeat for each path, check if they are same "Serial Number"


    3. more /etc/vx/

    4. clear device tree, test again:

      # mv /etc/vx/ /etc/vx/ 
    # mv
    # rm /dev/vx/rdmp/*
    # rm /dev/vx/dmp/*
    # rm /dev/*   <<<<<all disks device file

    #vxconfigd -k

    5.try to restart the server, and check again?


  • I dont think it has to do with the type of multipathing . But no powerpath . SF - 6.1 .

    36 paths all point to same lun.


    # vxdmpadm listexclude all
    Devices excluded from VxVM:

    Paths : None

    Controllers : None

    VID:PID : None

    [root@devqalin-3 ~]#


    dmpdev          = emc0_020c
    state           = enabled
    enclosure       = emc0
    cab-sno         = 000287971357
    asl             =
    vid             = EMC
    pid             = SYMMETRIX
    array-name      = EMC
    array-type      = A/A
    iopolicy        = MinimumQ
    avid            = 020C
    lun-sno         = 570020C000
    udid            = EMC%5FSYMMETRIX%5F000287971357%5F570020C000
    dev-attr        = bcv Mirror
    lun_type        = mirror
    scsi3_vpd       = -
    replicated      = no
    num_paths       = 36
    ###path         = name state type transport ctlr hwpath aportID aportWWN attr
    path            = sdeo enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sdsg enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -
    path            = sdza enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -
    path            = sdvk enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -
    path            = sdace enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -
    path            = sdlh enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sden enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sdos enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sdhy enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sdbe enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sdack enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -
    path            = sdvq enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -
    path            = sdyu enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -
    path            = sdsa enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -
    path            = sdor enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sdhx enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sdpq enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -
    path            = sdli enabled(a) - FC c4 c4 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sdhz enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sdot enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sdbf enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sdlk enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sdeq enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sdqm enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -
    path            = sdaea enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -
    path            = sdxg enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -
    path            = sdaak enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -

    path            = sdtq enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -
    path            = sdlj enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sdep enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sdou enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sdia enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 1d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:70 -
    path            = sdtw enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -
    path            = sdaaq enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -
    path            = sdadu enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -
    path            = sdxa enabled(a) - FC c5 c5 16d-b 50:06:04:8c:4a:86:07:7f -




  • Hi ,

    Firstly, are you using DMP here or powerpath ? What is the SF version you are using ?

    If you have 36 luns visible, you are certainly sure that luns have same serial numbers & they are indeed same luns appearing with different paths ?

    If you are using DMP, have you checked if anything excluded from DMP view ?

    # vxdmpadm listexclude all

    # vxddladm listexclude all

    For best settings & mode to be used, refer hardware technotes & SCLs below

