Forum Discussion

dksingh9990's avatar
13 years ago

not able to initialize the disk

I had a disk under VxVM control. I removed it from VxVM control. Again when I added the same disk, it is not allowing me to initialize

.Also I feel, it is showing wrong multipaths in vxdisk list output.

root@dbpdadc42> vxdisksetup -i c0t500507680140533Ad8
VxVM vxdisksetup ERROR V-5-2-3523 c0t500507680140533Ad8: Disk is in use
root@dbpdadc42> vxdisk list c0t500507680140533Ad8
Device:    c0t500507680140533Ad8s2
devicetag: c0t500507680140533Ad8
type:      auto
info:      format=none
flags:     online ready private autoconfig invalid
pubpaths:  block=/dev/vx/dmp/c0t500507680140533Ad8s2 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/c0t500507680140533Ad8s2
Multipathing information:
numpaths:   4
c1t500507680130064Ad10s2        state=enabled
c1t500507680130533Ad10s2        state=enabled
c0t500507680140064Ad10s2        state=enabled
c0t500507680140533Ad10s2        state=enabled

4 Replies

  • May be this disk is still somehwhere under volume manager configuration.

    Please let us know following command outputs:

    vxdisk -o alldgs -e list

    vxprint -qhtr

    modinfo | grep -i vx

    uname -a

    If you are sure that it is not part of any disk group or holding any data, can you try vxdisksetup with "-if" option?



  • Alongwith above outputs, also mention what were the steps used to remove the disk from diskgroup configuration ?


  • May you can try the option -ifr (is not documented)

    vxdisksetup -ir c0t500507680140533Ad8

    But if this fails, the procedure to use when adding new drives appear to us all as a single disk with as many paths as there are actual discs:

    vxdisk rm <disk> (erase the disk)

    vxdmpadm exclude dmpnodename=<dmpnode_erase_disk>

    vxdctl enable

    We found that no reference to the new disks:

    vxdisk list

    vxdmpadm getsubpaths


    We clean the system if any erroneous reference:

    devfsadm –Cv

    Include and discover new disks:

    vxdmpadm include dmpnodename=<dmpnode_erase_disk>

    vxdctl enable


    There should now be well recognized all disks.