Forum Discussion

timus's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

Restore DG

Hello,   Please suggest how to recover DG - 1- O/p of vxdg import # vxdg import vgebt2db02 VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-10978 Disk group vgebt2db02: import failed: Disk group has no valid conf...
  • Gaurav_S's avatar
    14 years ago
    there are multiple ways: -- using vxconfigrestore (you should have DG backup copies intact in /etc/vx/cbr/bk) -- using maker file , you can generate maker file from vxprint -mvphsr output or from the cfgrec file in /etc/vx/cbr/bk for e.g cat *.cfgrec | vxprint -mvphsr -D - > maker.dg this file will have all info for volumes & its parameters.. In this method, the tedious step is to initialize all the disk with specified offsets, its very imporatant that you reinitialize the disk with same offsets otherwise data may be lost... you can find the disk offset values from *.dginfo file in cbr dierectory... -- same vxprint -mvphsr is collected in veritas explorers as well.. so here would be steps in short: -- create a maker file using vxprint -mvphsr output (from explorer or cfgrec file) -- re-initialize all disks in dg using same offset values & same public & private region length (*.dginfo file will help here) -- re-initialize blank diskgroup & add all above initialized disks with same name as they were before) -- use maker file to recreate volumes, # vxmake -g -d Gaurav