Forum Discussion

sajan's avatar
9 years ago

when I tried to encapsulate root disk c0t0d0, give me error while using utility #vxdiskadm

partition> p
Current partition table (original):
Total disk cylinders available: 14087 + 2 (reserved cylinders)

Part      Tag    Flag     Cylinders         Size            Blocks
  0       root    wm       2 -   826        8.01GB    (825/0/0)    16790400
  1       swap    wu     827 -  4124       32.01GB    (3298/0/0)   67120896
  2     backup    wu       0 - 14086      136.71GB    (14087/0/0) 286698624
  3          -    wu       1 -     1        9.94MB    (1/0/0)         20352
  4          -    wu       2 - 14086      136.69GB    (14085/0/0) 286657920
  5        var    wm    4125 -  7422       32.01GB    (3298/0/0)   67120896
  6        usr    wm    7423 -  8247        8.01GB    (825/0/0)    16790400
  7 unassigned    wm    8249 -  9074        8.02GB    (826/0/0)    16810752


 vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c0t0d0s2     auto:sliced     rootdisk1    rootdg       online
c0t2d0s2     auto:sliced     dcru2dg01    dcru2dg      online
c0t3d0s2     auto:sliced     dcru2dg02    dcru2dg      online
-            -         rootmirror   rootdg       failed failing was:c0t1d0s2

Disk group: rootdg

dg rootdg       rootdg       -        -        -        -        -       -

dm rootdisk1    c0t0d0s2     -        286657920 -       -        -       -
dm rootmirror   -            -        -        -        NODEVICE -       -



Select disk devices to encapsulate:
[<pattern-list>,all,list,q,?] list

Select disk devices to encapsulate:
[<pattern-list>,all,list,q,?] c0t0d0
Here is the disk selected. Output format: [Device_Name]

Continue operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)
You can choose to add this disk to an existing disk group or to
a new disk group. To create a new disk group, select a disk group
name that does not yet exist.

Which disk group [<group>,list,q,?] rootdg
There is no active disk group named rootdg.
Create a new group named rootdg? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)
Use a default disk name for the disk? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)
A new disk group will be created named rootdg and the selected
disks will be encapsulated and added to this disk group with
default disk names.

Continue with operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)
This disk is already present
 This disk will be ignored. ------
Output format: [Device_Name,Disk_Access_Name]
[c0t0d0,rootdisk1,rootdg ]
Hit RETURN to continue.
what actually happened was, "there was rootdisk failure and I replaced the root disk, then I mirrored new rootdisk with mirror disk . Now mirror disk failed  too and I had to boot from new boot disk. This root disk is not encapsulated". What needs to be done to encapsulate root disk  properly?







2 Replies

  • Hi,

    Couple of additional questions

    1. What is the version of vxvm  & OS ?

    2. The partition table you have pasted belongs to which disk ?

    3. You already have a rootdg, does it list rootdg when you select "list" in the question below ?

    Which disk group [<group>,list,q,?]

    4. The partition table which you have pasted, something is wrong as sectors are overlapping. Usually in Solaris, slice 2 represents whole disk, here you have Slice 4 which is almost of whole disk capacity yet defining sub partitions on other slices. Is that correct ?

