Intern Perspectives: Learning and networking in the Veritas University internship program
A snapshot from the Veritas University Ice Cream Social, complete with delicious treats and shared games on the grounds of Veritas' Mountain View Headquarters.“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” – Pele
My internship experience at Veritas has been nothing short of exciting. I’ve had the opportunity to interact with amazing individuals throughout the company, learning something new and gaining insight into the business, daily.
The leaders of the Veritas University internship program care about the experience of interns and routinely identify opportunities to enable each to grow. They’ve hosted events along with the help of lead interns, like myself, to foster relationships between interns, providing a supportive environment for learning about the company and facets of Veritas’ Solutions and teams.
And my Veritas University project is both challenging and immersive, encouraging seeking guidance of those across the organization who can offer ideas on approach and execution. Veritas provides a platform to network with a broad range of experienced professionals, and their support throughout this experience has been invaluable.
In addition to a dedicated Veritas University project, we often have opportunities to meet with experienced staff, like Veritas Information Governance expert, Jane Zhu. In her discussion with the interns, she shared details on NetBackup and its ability to handle customer data with care. She spoke of the different services the suite provides, such as Security, Integrity, Heterogenous Support, and noted the significance of supporting companies in securing their data. Her talk was informative and helped me learn new aspects of how information should be handled.
With this information-rich interaction and the engaging events planned by the Veritas University team, my experience at the company has been one that I would not trade. I look forward to what is to come in the following weeks on #TeamVtas!