Knowledge Base Article

Assessing the TCO of Unified vs. Parallel Backup Solutions for Virtual Environments


Greetings one and all!

I am here to offer up a new White Paper Symantec commissioned from ESG comparing single backup solutions vs mutliple solutions to handle virtual environments.

From the intro:

In early 2012, ESG’s annual spending intentions survey revealed a tie between “improve data backup and recovery” and “increased use of server virtualization” as the number-one planned priority.

The combination of those priorities is no surprise. In most IT environments, server virtualization could almost be considered commoditized: It is no longer an “if it will happen” but a “when.” However, with virtual machines proliferating and momentum shifting to private cloud architectures that create virtual machines and data sources dynamically, IT environments rediscovered that backup was a core challenge. Between the storage sprawl caused by easy virtual server provisioning and the discovery challenges of new virtual machines (VMs), virtualization does complicate traditional backup and recovery.

So pretty interesting stuff in here. Jump out here to register and grab this White Paper. If you have any quesitons, as always hit me up here or at @PackMatt73

Published 12 years ago
Version 1.0

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