Knowledge Base Article

Backup Exec Partner Toolkit, Documentation & Resources

Here you can download the Backup Exec Partner Toolkit along with supporting documentation.  If you experience any trouble downloading any of the content below, please contact the Backup Exec Partner Toolkit team at:

Thank you for your interest in the toolkit and we always welcome your feedback.

Backup and Recovery Product Management

Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0

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  • Is there a newer version of this tool? Where can I get support if I'm having issues running this in my environment? I'm trying to recommend the tool to my company because we backup a lot of data and I believe we could save a lot of space with it, however I can never get the assessment tool to go past 5%, it just stays at "Pushing Deduplication Agent" on our 2012 file server. When I try from another 2008 server and try to connect to the file server I recieve a message like "could not validate the login credentials"