Knowledge Base Article

Bare Matel Restoration Process


  1. Netbackup Administrative Console à Bare Metal Restore Management à Hosts à Bare Metal Restore Clients à Server Name à Current. Right Click and Prepare to Restore.



  1. Choose the appropriate options on this dialog to perform any specific operations during restore.Click OK. This operation will take a while as it performs basic validations on the client and verifies that all the necessary tasks are done before the actual restore starts.



  1. Once PTR or Prepare To Restore is done, entry is seen under the Restore Task view of BMR Admin Console.
  2. If you want to boot with Network follow step 5 if not follow step 6.
  3. Configure Pre-boot Execution Environment (PXE) Server using the Boot Server Assistant Wizard.

You can change any of the following items:


This BMR Boot Server is also the DHCP Server

This setting determines which network port the PXE server needs to listen to for boot requests. If the boot server is also the DHCP server, the PXE server cannot listen on the DHCP port (67). Instead, it must use the alternate service port (4011).

Enable Logging

This setting turns on and off the logging for the PXE services and TFTP services. If logging is enabled, BMR automatically creates a bmrpxed directory in the standard NetBackup logs directory.

Interface to listen for Boot Request on

Select the local server IP address on which to listen for boot requests. All of the IP address for the boot server is listed in this combo box.

Path to the TFTP directory

Enter the path to the TFTP directory. By default, this directory is under the NetBackup install directory. Since this directory needs enough space to hold up to 250MB for each Fast Boot SRT, it may be necessary to relocate it to another disk.












PXE is supported on all Intel boxes.

Ensure that the NIC or Network Adapter on the Client are marked PXE Enabled. If not, enter BIOS Setup mode and turn it ON.

If there are multiple NIC cards configured on the Client, you can choose any one of them to be PXE Enabled.



PXE boots the client PC from the network by transferring a "boot image file" from a server. This file can be the operating system or the SRT for the client PC that performs client management tasks. Since PXE is not operating system specific, the image file can load any OS. (Windows/ Linux)


  1. Creating the bootable CD to boot the Server with CD/DVD ROM.




  1. Attempt Restore Operation:


Restart the Client and choose the right option on the boot sequence.  The option key can change depending on the machine and BIOS version.


Typically it is F12 Key that allows one to choose the boot option. For Network Boot, choose the NIC/ PXE option and CD for Virtual CD ROM or physical media.


After it get finish reboot the server. Restoration is completed.



Published 13 years ago
Version 1.0

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