Knowledge Base Article

BE 2012 - Restoring data from a defunct server

Suppose you need to restore data from a defunct server, i.e. a server which does not exist in the BE 2012 media server.  How do you do so?

BE 2012 is server-centric, so the procedure is slightly different from that for the previous versions of BE.

Currently, there is only 1 server in the BE 2012 media server

1) Import your media

For this example, I am using a B2D folder created by BE 2010.  This can be imported into BE 2012 as a legacy B2D folder.  Go to the Storage tab and use the Storage wizard to import the legacy B2D folder

Once you have imported the legacy B2D folder, you would be prompted to inventory and catalog it.

You can click on the Inventory and Catalog button in the ribbon bar to inventory and catalog the legacy B2D folder.  Atter these tasks are done, you should be able to see the backup sets in the legacy B2D folder.  Since BE 2012 is server-centric, you would not be able to right-click on the backup set and select restore.

When you go to the Backup and Restore tab, you can now see the defunct server listed.  The defunct server is automatically added once its backup sets are catalogued in the BE 2012 media server.  You do not have to manually add it in.  Also, you can ignore the "Never backed up" status.  This status is because it is never backed up in BE 2012

Double-click on the defunct server and you would be able to define a restore job to restore its data.

If you do not see the backup set, make sure that the selection date range is wide enough to include it.

Published 13 years ago
Version 1.0

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  • 1) You will be able to add the defunct server as a file server entry.

    2) We will not be able to run Catrebuildindex if the storage is not cataloged. If the catalogs are present for the storage which is of huge capacity, a cat rebuild index would bring back the server entry into the BACKUP & RESTORE tab.

  • 1) How do you add the defunct server if it is no longer in existence?

    2) If the backup sets in the NAS has not been cataloged, how is running catrebuildindex going to bring back the server entry and also miracluously catalog the data?

  • It may be a tedious process to run the catalog if the storage used is a NAS with Terabytes of backed up data in it.

    Instead, we can add the defunct server as a file server entry under Backup & Restore.

    We may also run a catrebuildindex -r to bring back the server entry.


    what is your scenario, I understand you want to restore your contingency site?
  • Dear phk,

    i am using Tape Backup for VM Backup. is it enough to do the Catalog and Inventory to do the Restore on remote Side or we need to import the data as you mentioned above like B2Disk.

    Tape Backup we taken from BE2010 and restore job going to happen on BE2012.

    please advise.


    Thanks in Advance.

    Murugan S


  • because when I create a backup job and I want to restore the latest snapshot aparace only to recover and not the oldest???

  • Although this article refers to disk media, it is equally applicable to tape media.  The procedure is the same.  Inventory and catalog the tape(s) and then restore.