DFS and DFSR: Backing up your distributed file system with Backup Exec
The following guide is intended to provide you with procedures for backing up your DFS and DFSR File Servers:
- Which DFS File Server To Backup? -
You'll want to compare your file servers that participate in DFS or DFSR and select the one that has the following attributes:
- Fastest network link to the Backup Exec server (Gigabit vs 10/100)
- Fastest disk hardware (SCSI vs IDE)
- Fastest Processor(s)
- Installing the Remote Agent for Windows Servers (RAWS) -
- From within Symantec Backup Exec, Select the Tools menu, then choose "Install Agents and Media Servers on Other Servers"
- Choose Next in the Installation window
- Select Windows Remote Agents from the list, and select Add.
- Enter the file server's Computer Name, and the domain name it belongs to. Click OK
- Next, you'll need to provide credentials that will allow you to run a program installation on the file server. Enter them and choose OK.
- Select the features that you'd like to install on the file server, in this case, the "Remote Agent for Windows Systems", then click Finish.
- The Remote Installation Status window will indicate that the installation has installation has completed successfully.
- Backing up your DFS and DFSR Folders -
- From within Backup Exec, select New Job from the Backup Tasks left-hand menu.
- Now in the Backup Job Properties screen, Under Selections, expand "Windows Servers" from the Favorite Resources tree. Now that you've installed the Remote Agent on your file server, it will be listed in this tree.
- Expand your file server's tree further and further expand the "Shadow Copy Components" tree, followed by the "User Data" tree.
- Next, you'll see the "Distributed File System Replication" tree, expand that, followed by the "DfsrReplicatedFolders" tree.
- Finally, you'll see all of your existing replicated folders, select the checkbox next to any of them to mark them for backup.
- Once you've made all of your selections, you may run or schedule your backup job as usual.
Published 16 years ago
Version 1.0