Knowledge Base Article

Netbackup Agent for SQL 2014

Main steps to perform the install mode and configuration for SQL Backup:

  1. Before we begin with the procedures, we verify the compatibility of Software Database with the version of NetBackup. Follow the link:
  2. Add the license for SQL Agent;
  3. In SQL Host, install the Client Netbackup;
  4. Configure the ODBC;
  5. Configure Netbackup account so it can access the database.
    • Setting the sysadmin permission in SQL following groups:
    • Define a security type Database: Simple, Full, Bulk Logged
    • Set the account of Netbackup (Windows logon) to access the database data.
  6. The NetBackup uses the services: NetBackup Client and NetBackup Legacy Network Service to access SQL Server. Therefore, make sure that they are running;
  7. In SQL Server, open SQL Client (as administrator). Enter the information:
    • Host SQL Server;
    • Instance;
    • Login account Netbackup;
    • Login Password Netbackup;
  8. The credential information in Netbackup SQL is saved in the path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\VERITAS\NETBACKUP\NETBACKUP FOR MICROSOFT SQL. The level of client credentials to get in the way: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\VERITAS\NETBACKUP\NETBACKUP CLIENT;
  9. Create scripts (.bch) for execution of database backups. So, follow the steps below:
    • Open Netbackup MS SQL Client (SQL Server) as administrator;
    • Click in File > Backup SQL Server objects;
    • In Expand database, search database correct;
    • In Select database(s), choosedatabase. For set database, press CTRL + database correct;
    • In Type of Backup, choice the Backup type;
    • In Backup script, click in Save;
    • In Backu up, choose option Selected;
    • In Stripes, choose number of Backup sumultaneous;
    • In Netbackup policy, insert name policy created in Netbackup Console;
    • Click in Backup;
    • Save in: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\DbExt\MsSql
  10. Create backup policy, in Netbackup Console. The name must be identical to the policy created in the SQL Client Console;
    • In policy type, choose MS-SQL-Server;
    • In Clients, insert the SQL Host;
    • Backup Selections, add the script created by the SQL Client Netbackup console;
  11. Set the Maximum jobs per client option. It will define the maximum number of simultaneous jobs per client. Choose a number, noting the amount of policies and servers. Symantec recommends setting it to 99;

  12. Run the Backup policy and and track your finish;

  13. For restore de datases:

    • Open Netbackup MS SQL Client (SQL Server) as administrator;

    • Click in File > Restore SQL Server objects;

    • Choose backup date and click Ok;

    • Expand Instace and choose backup period;

    • Select Restore selected object;

    • Select Recovery and click Restore;

    • Follow on the monitor netbackup;


Published 10 years ago
Version 1.0

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