Knowledge Base Article

NetBackup and Nutanix. Few things to pay attention to.

1) If you want to check if login and password you were given is correct you can run from whitelisted media-server (for API v2):

# curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --insecure --basic --user <username>:<password>


2) For curl and nbaapi_ahv_vm_restore commands you need to use username and pasword in single quotes. It's important:

--user 'nbuuser':'P@ssw0rd!'

--user 'nbuuser' --password 'P@ssw0rd!'

 otherwise you'll get error 401 and : Error code=6622

# curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --insecure --basic --user nbuuser:P@ssw0rd!

<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><title>HTTP Status 401 Б─⌠ Unauthorized</title>


# ./nbaapi_ahv_vm_restore --metadata_file_path /mycontainers/.restore/metadata.json --cluster_name nutanix01 --cluster_port 9440 --user nbuuser --password P@ssword!

Parsed parameter values:
metadata_file_path: /mycontainer/.restore/metadata.json
cluster_name: nutanix01
cluster_port: 9440
username: nbuuser

Core Properties set...

Processing disks...
The CD ROM is processed at ide: 0
The disk is processed at scsi: 0 with the NDFS file path /migrate/.restore/846da607-87cd-4cad-b47e-b78f345cc1f9

Virtual machine specifications for the restore:
Failed to submit the Create VM task to the Nutanix Cluster. Check and verify the parameters, metadata details, or if the VM exists on the cluster. Error code=6622
Published 6 years ago
Version 1.0

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