Knowledge Base Article

Netbackup for MySQL

I have gone through distinct options we have for MySQL backup with Netbackup. Although we do not have any direct Netbackup agent for MySQL, BUT MySQL backup integration with Netbackup achievable via 2 different options.


            Options 1:   Using MySQL Enterprise Backup (MEB)

            Options 2:   Zmanda Recovery Manager


Options 1:

MySQL Enterprise Backup (MEB) is now integrated feature of MySQL Enterprise Edition (also downloadable separately), this method do backup and restore of MySQL databases using the Oracle SBT API.  The Symantec NetBackup for Oracle agent implements the Oracle SBT API.  However, Symantec NetBackup was not part of the development or subsequent testing of this method to backup and restore MySQL. MEB reportedly works well but, at this time, Symantec does not provide formal support and cannot comment on its appropriateness for any give business solution.


Notes:  Backup & restore command syntax has to be initiated from Client Side. Managing backup & restore from server side not possible




  1. Netbackup Master License
  2. MySQL Enterprise Edition
  3. NetBackup for Oracle Agent license (server based)



Option 2:

MySQL Agent for NetBackup from Zmanda is deeply integrated and certified with NetBackup 7.x using the XBSA API. The agent supports backup of MySQL versions 4.1 and 5.x. Both MySQL Community and Enterprise Editions are supported.

Also, Zmanda is a member of the Symantec Technology Enabled Program (STEP) and will engage Symantec to resolve mutual issues.


In fact, Symantec NetBackup now enables live backup of MySQL, using two solutions provided by Zmanda:

Zmanda MySQL Agent for NetBackup

Zmanda Recovery Manager (ZRM) for MySQL, with NetBackup Option


Note: MySQL backups and schedules are managed via the NetBackup GUI.


Supported OS for MySQL Servers: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.x and 6.x, CentOS 5.x and 6.x, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 10.x and 11.x



  1. Netbackup Master License
  2. MySQL Enterprise Edition
  3. NetBackup Standard or Enterprise Client 7.x for Linux. Perl.
  4. ZMR for MySQL (server based)

** NetBackup Application & Database Pack is not required.

Published 10 years ago
Version 1.0

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1 Comment

  • Anuj,


    I myself was looking for such a solution, thanks for writing on the options available on this,Your input in this regard is highly appreciated.

