Knowledge Base Article

Symantec System Recovery 2013 - The status in the tray icon is blank, not able to see if backup/restore was successful or not. A green check mark in the tray icon is also not visible.


Symantec System Recovery 2013 - The status in the tray icon is blank, not able to see if backup/restore was successful or not. A green check mark in the tray icon is also not visible.


Please check the logs which have been collected by BE Support Tool.

This warning message "This system does not meet the minimum requirements for local installation of Symantec System Recovery 2013" can be completely ignored in this case because SSR 2013 MS was installed on a Windows Server 2008 R2 and on that Windows 7 Prof machine was the SSR client (pushed) installed, that's why this Windows 7 Prof machine doesn't meet the requirements for local installation of SSR 2013.


Please check the following warning message which is above.

Warning message: This system does not meet the minimum requirements for remote installation of Symantec System Recovery 2013.

User Account Control (UAC) is enabled.


SSR 2013 warning message.JPG



SSR 2013 MS installed on a Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit).

SSR client on Windows 7 Prof (64 bit) installed.


1. Go to Control Panel --> User Accounts --> Change User Account Control settings

2. Deactivate User Account Control (UAC) and click on "OK"


Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0

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1 Comment

  • Hi,

    Is there any other solution, other than de-activating the UAC ?

    coz this may not be feasible in most of the circumstances.

    good info ! "vote up" :)


