Knowledge Base Article

Understanding Disk Staging

Staging Backup— This is a process in which first data is copied on a Storage Unit then copied to another Storage unit. Images expire after copying data to secondary unit.


1-      This allows faster backup on disk first. Then copied the same on tape (a background process)

2-      Allows data on tape without images multiplexing.

3-      Staging very useful when drives are scarce.


We could define this as Basic Disk Staging and Storage life cycle policies.


Basic Disk Staging –  In this first data copied on storage unit and transferred to final policies via policies.

 Basically this consists of two stages. First copying data to a initial storage unit and in another as per relocation schedule moving data to final location.

Storage life cycle staging- This also consist of two stages first data is copied on initial location and in another stage is copied to final location however this does not require any schedule administrator can keep the data till retention or can move this to final location.


For having basic disk staging we need to create a storage UNIT, What would use as an initial location.

To create Storage unit we need to specify whether this is tape or disk.

Specify the mount for disk backup.

Specify the highest and lowest bottle mark. When the value will reach to highest bottle mark it will expire the images of the backup which has moved to final location.

Need to check enable temporary Staging area.

Have to define the schedule of when the images will move to final location.

Inside schedule we will enter the storage unit where we will copy the final data.

Specify the volume pool and media owner, and also specify the number of copy required.

We can specify the read server which will applicable only with Master server. 

Published 12 years ago
Version 1.0

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